Planning a Move to Melbourne?

Melbourne, known as the cultural capital of Australia, is a city in Victoria that offers an amazing blend of modernity and rich cultural heritage. The city is famous for its beautiful parks, cafes, top-rated universities, and for being a melting pot of cultures.

More and more Australians, who’ve tried their luck elsewhere, are moving back to Melbourne, keen to re-experience the quality of life, employment opportunities, and vibrant arts and sports scene the city offers. Of course, there are also people from overseas moving to Melbourne. They’ve made a conscious choice to make Melbourne their home in Australia.

If you’re someone who has chosen to move to Melbourne, know that there’s a real sense of community here, making it a welcoming place for both newcomers and former residents making a return. And in case you need help or information on how to move to Melbourne, then this guide will surely help.

We will explore important details about relocating to Melbourne, including information about housing, transportation, and other aspects of life in the city.

This guide aims to provide comprehensive information to ease your transition and make the most of your experience in Melbourne, whether you are drawn to its beautiful beaches, bustling business scene, diverse and welcoming community, or even if you are moving back to the city.

Our guide for moving to Melbourne will give you the confidence you need to start this journey and help you experience the unique lifestyle of this vibrant city.

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Reasons to Move to Melbourne

If you ask anyone who’s born and bred here: Why move to Melbourne? Or should I move to Melbourne? They’d be quick to answer that there are many reasons to move to Melbourne.

Among the most popular reasons to move here are:

  • Culture and events
  • Job opportunities
  • Quality of life
  • Education
  • Public transport

Some of the important things to know before moving to Melbourne include the pros and cons.

  • Pros: Good job opportunities, vibrant cultural scene, great public transportation, and quality education.
  • Cons: High cost of living, unpredictable weather, peak hour traffic.

For families, Melbourne offers a great family-friendly lifestyle with amenities for:

  • Education: Melbourne is home to some of Australia’s best schools and universities, providing excellent educational opportunities for children and young adults.
  • Parks and Recreation: The city has numerous parks, playgrounds, and sports centres for family activities. The Melbourne Zoo, Scienceworks, and the Royal Botanic Gardens are fantastic family-friendly destinations.
  • Safety: Melbourne is considered a safe city, which is a crucial factor for families.
  • Community: There are numerous communities and social groups that can offer support and friendship to families.

For single people looking for a change of scene, Melbourne offers a lot in terms of:

  • Social Scene: Melbourne has a vibrant social scene with an array of restaurants, cafes, bars, and clubs. The city is famous for its food and coffee culture.
  • Arts and Culture: For those interested in the arts, Melbourne offers a plethora of galleries, theatres, and live music venues.
  • Employment Opportunities: The city has a diverse economy, with opportunities in various sectors like finance, IT, education, healthcare, and more.
  • Public Transport: Melbourne has an excellent public transportation network, which is ideal for singles who prefer not to drive.

Even retirees can thrive in Melbourne because of the following:

  • Healthcare: Melbourne has top-notch healthcare facilities, including specialist care for the elderly.
  • Lifestyle: Melbourne offers a relaxed lifestyle with many cultural activities, including art galleries, museums, and festivals.
  • Active Retirement: For those wanting an active retirement, there are plenty of golf courses, parks, and walking trails. Melbourne’s flat terrain is also ideal for cycling.
  • Communities: There are numerous retirement villages and communities that offer a supportive environment for retirees.
Relocating to Melbourne - Your Melbourne Guide

Moving to Melbourne, whether you're coming from another state or from abroad, can provide a new beginning filled with many opportunities.

Melbourne’s high quality of life, cultural vibrancy, and the availability of facilities and amenities for people in different life stages make it a wonderful city for families, single people, and retirees.

Main Concern When Moving to Melbourne From Another State

A fundamental concern when moving from another state to Melbourne – or anywhere for that matter – is finding reliable interstate removalists. On top of this, there’s also the need to know interstate moving costs so one can come up with a reasonable moving budget.

Besides the above, anyone thinking of moving to Melbourne would also do well to consider the following:

  • Cost of Living: While Melbourne offers a high standard of living, it can be more expensive than other Australian cities.
  • Weather: Known for its ‘four seasons in a day’, the unpredictable weather in Melbourne might take some getting used to.
  • Traffic: Despite the city’s excellent public transport, peak-hour traffic can be a real pain.
Moving From Sydney to Melbourne

A move from Sydney to Melbourne means travelling a substantial distance and considering other factors.

  • Distance: About 880 kilometres via the Hume Highway. A direct drive between the two cities can take around 9-10 hours.
  • Duration: When moving from Sydney to Melbourne, it’s likely you’ll need to hire interstate removalists who will be carrying your items in a truck. It could take 1-2 days for the relocation of your possessions to be finished, depending on the load.
  • Cost: The cost of a move from Sydney to Melbourne can vary greatly for a full house move, depending on the size of your property, how much you’ll be moving, and the services you choose. For example, the cost of moving the contents of a simple 3-bedroom home would be lower compared to that of a 3-bedroom house move where the customer also requires packing and pet relocation services.

When you prepare to move from Sydney to Melbourne, consider researching how the cost of living differs, such as rent or property prices, utility costs, and general expenses in your new local area.

Moving From Brisbane to Melbourne
Moving From Perth to Melbourne

To make your move to Melbourne seamless, working with an experienced interstate moving company like Relocations WA is best. We have the expertise to help you coordinate all the necessary logistics and provide guidance, ensuring a smooth transition.

Key Factors When Moving to Melbourne From Overseas

Moving to Melbourne from overseas is definitely more complicated than one that’s done interstate or within the country. International removals to Australia (or anywhere for that matter) usually require more paperwork and additional procedures for people to go through.

If you’re relocating to Melbourne from the United Kingdom (UK) or New Zealand (NZ), you’ll surely find the following information quite helpful.

Important steps and considerations

Moving to Melbourne from London is a major decision and is one that warrants careful consideration of the following.

1. Research and decision making

Start by researching the basics of life in Melbourne, including the cost of living, job market, housing, schools (if you have children), and healthcare facilities.

Look at the lifestyle, weather, and culture, and consider if they suit you and your family. If possible, visit Melbourne even just once to get a firsthand experience of life here and possibly scout out neighbourhoods.

2. Immigration-related concerns

Determine the type of visa you’ll need. This might be a skilled visa, a family visa, a business visa, or a student visa, depending on your circumstances. It’s crucial to apply for the correct visa. Also, look into citizenship requirements if you plan to become an Australian citizen in the future.

If you’re a New Zealander, you’ll generally be granted a Special Category Visa (SCV) on arrival, which lets you live, work and study in Australia as long as you remain a NZ citizen. However, there are some limitations, particularly around accessing some Australian government services, so make sure you understand these.

However, if you’re planning to become a permanent resident or citizen, look into the different pathways available, as there are specific options for New Zealanders.

3. Finances

Understand the cost of living in Melbourne, and plan your finances accordingly.

Open an Australian bank account. Some Australian banks allow you to open an account from overseas, up to three months before you move. Consider seeking advice about transferring your pension to Australia, if applicable.

4. Healthcare

Look into the Australian healthcare system. Although Australia has a public healthcare system (Medicare), it is only accessible to residents. You may need to consider private health insurance.

Get the necessary medical and dental checks before moving.

New Zealanders can enrol in Medicare upon arrival in Australia. As a New Zealander on an SCV, you’ll generally have access to Medicare benefits. Despite this, it’s worth considering if you also need private health insurance for services not covered by Medicare.

5. Employment

Search for jobs and apply in advance, if possible. Networking can be a useful way to find opportunities.
Understand the requirements and process for transferring your qualifications, if relevant.

6. Housing

Decide whether you want to rent or buy a property.

Start searching for suitable housing options online. Remember to consider your commute to work, access to schools, and the lifestyle of the neighbourhood when choosing where to live.

7. Shipping belongings

Hire a reputable international removals company. Make sure they’re experienced and reliable, particularly in the UK or New Zealand to Australia moves.

Consider the shipping time (usually 6-8 weeks from the UK to Australia) when planning your move.

Remember, Australia has strict biosecurity laws. Certain items, particularly food, plant materials, and animal products, may be prohibited.

8. Education

If you have children, research schooling options. Australia has both public and private schools, and the school year runs from late January to mid-December.

For schooling-related information, the Victorian Government’s Department of Education and Training website can be a good place to start.

9. Transportation

If you plan on driving in Australia, get an International Driving Permit. You can drive in Australia on a UK licence for three months, but after that, you’ll need to get a local licence.

However, if you’re from New Zealand and you plan to drive in Melbourne, you can use your New Zealand driving licence for up to six months. After that, you’ll need to get a local driver’s licence as well.

10. Moving pets

Look into quarantine laws if you’re planning on bringing pets. Australia has strict animal quarantine laws to prevent the transmission of diseases, so make sure you look into the current guidelines and requirements well ahead of your move.

11. What to do upon arrival

Whether you’re arriving in Melbourne from the UK or New Zealand, take the following steps when you get here.

  • Apply for a Tax File Number (TFN) which you’ll need for employment.
  • Register with Medicare, if eligible.
  • Get an Australian mobile number and set up your internet connection.
  • Familiarise yourself with the public transportation system.

Moving to a new country is a significant step and can seem daunting, but with the right planning and preparation, it can be an exciting adventure.

Welcome to Melbourne and the rest of the Land Down Under!

Moving From the UK to Melbourne

Here are some quick facts when moving to Melbourne from UK:

  • Distance: There are about 17,000 kilometres from London Heathrow Airport to Melbourne Airport. However, this can change depending on the flight or shipping route.
  • Time: Shipping your items from the UK to Australia could take 6-8 weeks. Air freight is faster but more expensive.
  • Costs: Relocation costs vary greatly, but expect to pay less for sea freight and significantly more for air freight. The volume of your belongings, removalist services you need, and flight ticket prices are just some of the many factors that can affect the total cost of moving from London to Melbourne.

If you plan to move from London to Melbourne, preparing and planning carefully is vital. These critical factors can help you transition smoothly to your new life in Melbourne.

Moving From NZ to Melbourne

Top Moving-to-Melbourne Tips

Whether you’re moving from another Aussie city, from across the ditch in NZ, or from the other side of the globe in the UK, Melbourne is a great city to call home.

It’s got its quirks, but that’s part of its charm!

Need more moving-to-Melbourne tips to get you started? Luckily, the rest of this article is packed with helpful tips for moving to Melbourne, which will surely come in handy as you embark on this new journey in your life.

Tips for moving to Melbourne typically include these essential steps:

  • Create a timeline. Determine key dates like your booking date (or removalist selection date), packing date, moving date, and arrival date.
  • Declutter. Get rid of items you don’t need before packing to reduce moving costs.
  • Hire professionals. Make sure you find a reputable interstate or international removalist. Depending on where you’re coming from, ensure they have experience in interstate or overseas moves.
  • Pack early. Start packing non-essential items well in advance.
  • Notify service providers of your change of address. Let your bank, utility companies, post office, insurer, etc., of your change of address.
  • Prepare an essentials box. Pack a box with all your essentials for the first few days after your move.
  • Exchange currency. If you’re moving to Melbourne from overseas, make sure you have ready spending money upon arrival for your convenience.
  • Arrange for vacate cleaning. Make sure you check your rental agreement and schedule a vacate cleaning if needed.

When it comes to any type of relocation – whether local, interstate, or international – it pays to be organised to avoid missing certain steps and items along the way.

The best way to do this is by making use of a moving checklist. Doing this will keep you organised and help minimise stress as you try to stay on top of all tasks and paperwork.


Relocating Vehicles & Pets to Melbourne, Victoria

Grasping vehicle and pet transport to Melbourne, Victoria, can be tough. Our guide simplifies the key steps and rules to ensure an easy transition during your move.

You may bring your car to Melbourne during your move.

When importing a car from the UK or New Zealand, there are regulations, taxes, and duties to consider. It’s also important to check whether it’s a cost-effective option. You’ll need to obtain a Vehicle Import Approval from the Australian Government, and your vehicle will need to comply with Australian standards.

From within Australia, interstate car transport is simpler. Various companies like Relocations WA offer this service. You will need to register your vehicle in Victoria once you’ve moved.

Working and Residing in Melbourne

Living and working in Melbourne offers a unique experience, as there are distinct differences in the population, weather, political landscape, culture, and so on.

Melbourne, the capital city of Victoria, is known for many things that make it a unique and exciting destination:

  • Cultural Capital: Melbourne is home to numerous museums, galleries, and theatre companies, as well as major events like the Melbourne International Arts Festival and Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
  • Sports: The city is famous for its love of sports. It hosts the Australian Open, the Melbourne Cup, and the Australian Grand Prix. It’s also the heartland of Australian Rules Football with the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) being a sporting icon.
  • Food and Coffee: Melbourne is renowned for its food and coffee culture. The city has an impressive culinary scene, with a wide array of restaurants, cafés, and bistros offering diverse cuisines. It’s also often referred to as the coffee capital of Australia.
  • Laneways and Street Art: The city’s iconic laneways are famous for their vibrant street art, unique boutiques, and cosy cafes and bars. Places like Hosier Lane are globally recognised for their ever-changing graffiti art.
  • Architecture: Melbourne is a blend of old and new architecture, with Victorian-era buildings standing alongside modern skyscrapers. The Flinders Street Station and Royal Exhibition Building are among the city’s architectural highlights.
  • Parks and Gardens: Known as the ‘Garden City’, Melbourne is famous for its parks, including the Royal Botanic Gardens, Albert Park, and Fitzroy Gardens.
  • Education: Melbourne is home to several world-class universities like the University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Monash University, and Deakin University.
  • Music Scene: Melbourne boasts a vibrant music scene with a multitude of live music venues. It’s a hotbed for rock music and has a rich history in jazz, classical, and electronic music.
  • Trams: Melbourne’s tram network is the largest in the world outside of Europe and is a defining characteristic of the city.
  • Festivals: Melbourne hosts numerous cultural festivals throughout the year, including the Melbourne International Film Festival, Melbourne Fringe Festival, and the Melbourne Writers Festival.

From its cultural diversity to its sporting obsession, Melbourne offers something for everyone and stands out as one of Australia’s most dynamic cities.

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Ready to move to Melbourne?

Contact Relocations WA for a fair and transparent removal quote for your interstate or international move to the wonderful city of Melbourne.

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